Awaken your indigenous soul through land-based connection, meditation and ritual on this 8 day vision quest with the masterful Darren Silver.

In the rolling green mountains of Vermont you will:

  • Experience elemental rituals
  • Explore cultivating right relationship with your self and the natural world
  • Clarify your intention through council and reflection
  • Participate in a ritual sweat lodge
  • Embark with nature on 4 day solo quest and fast
  • Learn physical, emotional, and spiritual skills and resources
  • Integrate insights into everyday life through art, storytelling, ritual theater, music, dance and much more


See event website.

What is a vision quest?

Marked by three distinct phases, the innate intelligence of the vision quest brings you through a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. In essence, the vision quest is a ritual of remembering our belonging to ourselves and to our planet.

Many come to the vision quest in major life transitions. They seek a distinct ceremony to recognize the changes that are taking place, and to be witnessed and supported in what is asking to be birthed. Feeling the call to embark on a vision quest is like a tug at our soul, beckoning us to completely utilize our life.

Not sure if this is right for you? Feel free to reach out to Darren Silver at

You can read more on Darren’s website at


$800 – $1,500

We are offering a sliding scale of ticket options based on your financial needs. If you can afford to pay more, you will help support others who cannot.
Tickets include vegan meals prepared by the modern monastics of the Monastic Academy.

Other event details


Darren Silver, MA, is a rite of passage guide, Nature-Connected Coach, ceremonialist, and innovative educator. He has over a decade of experience working with ritual, wilderness living skills, and guiding transformational experiences residentially and internationally. A gifted storyteller and apprentice to the old myths, Darren weaves the power of the natural world, vision, and community in devotion to the remembrance of regenerative culture.


MAPLE is located at the end of a mile long private driveway that winds high up a hill. The 123 acres are abundant with wildlife and boast commanding views out over the Green Mountains with wonderful trails through the woods. Recharge and re-examine your life in this peaceful setting where the trees, the rains, the winds, the sun, the snows, the frogs, and the stars still speak.


The Vision Quest takes place at the Monastic Academy wilderness basecamp. This time will be spent entirely outside. Upon registration a complete gear list will be sent. We have (limited) gear rental options–email for details.


Vegan meals will be prepared by Modern Monastics.

About CML

Center for Mindful Learning is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to developing trustworthy people to create trustworthy culture. MAPLE (Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth) is a full-time leadership and meditation residential training program to cultivate leaders who embody wisdom, power, and love for all living things.

For more information about Darren Silver, go to

Contact us

Feel free to email or call us at:
+1 (802) 540-0820

Darren’s Contact Information:
+1 (540) 244-1788