
Selected Content

Awakening and Responsibility
A short primer by head teacher Soryu Forall.

Life at MAPLE
A blog post in words and pictures by guest Jasna Todorovic

The Purpose of MAPLE: Creating Trustworthy Leaders
A blog post by former resident Tasshin Fogleman.

Key Elements of MAPLE Culture: Care, Ops, and Support Committees
A write-up by resident Renshin Lauren Lee.

Training Mental Complexity at MAPLE: What are We Here to Learn?
A longer essay on understanding MAPLE through developmental psychology by former resident Sofia-Jeanne Roggeveen.

MAPLE: A Deliberately Developmental Organization
A longer essay on understanding MAPLE through organizational psychology by former resident Sofia-Jeanne Roggeveen.

Existential Risk

The Hard Problems of AI Alignment
Report from 2022 research retreat. Describes two hard problems at the center of the AI alignment puzzle and their relationship to practice.

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