Buddhism in the Age of AI

Timeless Dharma for Modern Perils


Buddhism in the Age of AI is a free self-paced online course that synthesizes the best of MAPLE’s decade of teachings on Buddhism, existential risk, and artificial intelligence.


Intellectual sensemaking and transcendent wisdom come together in this exploration of a new history of humanity, the essential doctrine and practices of Buddhism, and the need to scale a Dharma for modern times.


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Last Fall and Winter, MAPLE’s residential community piloted this new course through a six-month sensemaking and awakening intensive. 
Watch Head Teacher, Soryu Forall, summarize the journey.



At MAPLE we envision a world guided by compassion wisely preserving life in harmony with the Natural Law. Right now, we see a world driven by craving ignorantly destroying life at an exponential rate. We are in desperate need for a new direction.


This direction will be offered with the first module:
A New Story for Humanity.


What You’ll Learn in Module One:

  • How scientific materialism and secular humanism are dying, and dataism is rising as the dominant religion
  • The four types of ‘artificial intelligence’ since the cognitive revolution 70,000 years ago
  • How AI is not separate from us, but rather a manifestation of our collective consciousness that feeds it
  • The risks and opportunities of modern AI systems that mediate collective consciousness through algorithms
  • How Buddhism has wielded intelligence to create the most wise, caring, and trustworthy beings
  • The need to transform the forms of Buddhism in order to serve modern beings and systems at scale

The Entire Curriculum:

A New Story for Humanity

The Essentials of Buddhism

Meditation in the Eightfold Path

Creativity in Buddhist Traditions

Each module will include a mix of sutras, commentaries, reflection inquiries, and recorded Q&As and lectures.


“I can’t remember ever having been this engaged in an online program. Deeply rooted in the Buddhist traditions and with its finger assertively on the pulse of our times …


This course demonstrates and demands diligence, creativity and zeal. It challenges fixed views, is uncomfortable, inspiring and fiercely hopeful. It is urgent, actionable and full of beauty – and with that exactly what an educational program for our times should be.”


– Jan B.



Sign up now to receive the course primer and MAPLE updates as the modules roll out.

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